"The problem of growing your child is not only a problem in the development of the body"
By balancing the factors that impede growth, strengthening the joints and skeleton with the right proportion of body shape and growth is the basis of growth therapy in eastern medicine.
Growth Clinic
You need in growth therapy if:
Parents of low growth, and are concerned about the growth of the child
Grow less than 4 cm per year
Growth is much less than that of peers
Growth suddenly slows down
Compared with growth, there is an early development than peer education.
In the case of the X-shaped and O-shaped legs.
You have scoliosis
Frequent respiratory diseases with poor immunity
Unbalanced diet or weak appetite
Factors that interfere with the growth of your child are divided into genetic and environmental factors.
Growth Clinic - Genetic Summary
"Is growth a genetic factor?"
This is not only the smallest height of the child, because the height of the parent is small.
It is said that the only genetically determinant key for determining the key is 23%.
The remaining 77% is called nutritional status and other environmental factors, such as exercise.
The key will grow significantly. If you miss this time, after the growth is over
I can not cancel it, so periodically check the growth and development of my child,
This is the best way to properly treat the body and treat the cause.
Interference in the growth of the environment
Disbalance of posture depending on learning conditions
The problem of spinal imbalance and wrong attitude
Sleep deprivation, various stress factors, respiratory diseases
Growth Clinic
"The growth time is fixed."
In the case of boys, the sixth grade of primary school, the first grade of secondary school, is the fastest growing period in the growth process,
Girls grow most in primary school 4-5 and younger schoolchildren.
There are many factors that cause growth in this period.
Preventive treatment is provided by appropriate treatment.
If active management of processing for growth is carried out in parallel, you can see a big effect.
Growth Plate
The growth plate is the place where the bone becomes bigger.
The growth plate is located at the end of the long form of our body. For example, fingers, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees, thigh, spine and the like. Since the growth plate consists of cartilage, it is also called cartilage cartilage.
Skeletal growth of the child is 95% at the age of 17 to 8 years and has a primary rapid growth period from 0 to 6 years and an average period of rapid growth of 10 to 15 years. During this period, the growth of bone growth cartilage and the function of herbal medicines required for intensive dosing can be significantly increased.
Then the sex hormone in the human body stops the activity of the growth plate and closes the bar of growth, stopping growth. Usually, the sex hormones begin to separate, and after about two years the growth plate is completely closed. Therefore, when the girl starts menstruating, the boy has a beard or the beginning of the transformer, both sexes are closed after puberty, and the growth plate closes about two years.
Exercise and sleep are important life habits that are necessary for growth.
Exercises stimulate the growth of the plate, which stimulates the secretion of hormones. Useful exercises to prevent the accumulation of lactic acid in the body are effective for the application of muscular endurance. It is important to choose a workout that will maintain a constant intensity.
A force close to 100% of your abilities can have an adverse effect on your growth, so it's best to have about 50-70% strength to talk to someone near you during training.
Sleeping about seven hours a day, but this does not prevent growth.
Especially for growing young people, 7-8 hours of sleep per day should be saved, because the brain is restored to fatigue, and during the sleep various hormones are released, and the physiological function of our body is usually monitored.
Considering that in 1-2 hours after sleep the secretion of growth hormone is 40-50 times more often than usual.
If the sleeping area is loud or uncomfortable and sleep is disturbed, even if the sleep time is long, the secretion of growth hormone is small and inhibits growth.
Important hormones that regulate the function of our body are most secreted during the night from 10:00 to 2:00, so it is best to keep a dream during the growing season.
성장에 주의 해야할 사항
1. 당분이나 지방을 많이 섭취하지 않는다.
과도한 당분은 골격형성을 방해합니다.
2. 과일주스를 너무 많이 먹지 말아야한다.
하루 340g 이상의 과일주스를 마시는 어린이는 당분과다 섭취로 골격형성에 지장이 있습니다.
3. 인스턴트식품을 줄여야한다.
인스턴트식품은 영양가는 적은 반면 칼로리가 높아 영양의 불균형을 초래할 수 있습니다.
4. 지나친 다이어트는 삼가야한다.
지나친 다이어트는 고른 영양섭취를 방해하여 성장을 저해합니다.
5. 지나친 스트레스를 피하도록 해야 한다.
스트레스는 성장호르몬 분비를 방해합니다.
6. 만성질환을 빨리 치료해야한다.
천식, 피부질환 등은 숙면을 방해해 성장 호르몬의 분비를 저해합니다.
성장에 필요한 실천사항
1. 탄산음료, 인스턴트식품, 튀긴 음식 등 고칼로리 음식을 피해야 합니다.
(예) 프라이드치킨, 라면, 피자, 햄버거, 튀김감자 등
2. 저녁 8시 이후 야식을 금하여야 합니다.
위장에 소화되지 않은 음식물이 남아있는 상태에서 잠들게 되면 성장호르몬의 분비량이 현저히 적어지며 차후 성인병의 원인이 됩니다.
3. 반드시 잠을 자고 있어야 할 밤 10시에서 새벽 2시 사이 시간을 지켜야 합니다.
키성장은 사람이 잠들어 있을 때에만 성장하므로 충분히 잠을 자도록 하고 대부분의 성장호르몬은 밤 10시에서 새벽 2시 시간대에만 순간 방출하므로 이 시간을 놓치면 그 날은 성장호르몬이 분비되지 않으므로 키 성장의 저해 요인이 됩니다.
4. 취침전후 3분간 전신 스트레칭을 반드시 실시하여야 합니다.
5. 키 크는데 도움이 되는 격하지 않은 운동을 합니다.
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