Doctor Cho Yun Sook / Director of the Seasun Clinic Dongrae District

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Graduated from the bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies of oriental medicine at Kyung Hee University. We have accumulated a rich 30-year clinical experience that ensures high quality, effective and complete treatment of patients suffering from chronic pain and intractable diseases.

Korean-Russian Medical Conference, Professor Cho Yun Sook, Doctor Cho Yun Sook Director of the Seasun Clinic Dongrae District | SEASUN Korean Medicine Clinic

Korean-Russian Medical Conference, Professor Cho Yun Sook

Korean-Russian Medical Conference Russian visitors ask questions to Professor Cho Yun Sook
Professor Cho Yun Sook, consultation of a Japanese patient about a treatment of skin problems and women's health, Doctor Cho Yun Sook Director of the Seasun Clinic Dongrae District | SEASUN Korean Medicine Clinic

Professor Cho Yun Sook, consultation of a Japanese patient about a treatment of skin problems and women's health

Patients Shinobu and Kazue after getting medical treatment and tea at the Seasun Clinic Tea House returned home.
Professor Cho Yun Sook, volunteer work in the Korean cultural center of Ussuriysk, Doctor Cho Yun Sook Director of the Seasun Clinic Dongrae District | SEASUN Korean Medicine Clinic

Professor Cho Yun Sook, volunteer work in the Korean cultural center of Ussuriysk

Professor Cho Yun Sook conducts acupuncture therapy for Korean elders, whose effectiveness was confirmed by the Mayor of Busan.

주요학력 및 자격증

  • Bachelor of Oriental Medicine at Kyung Hee University
  • Master's and Doctoral Studies in Oriental Medicine at Kyung Hee University
  • Graduated from the high culture and arts courses of the University of Tonga
  • Certified Specialist of the National Committee of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
  • Permanent member of the German Association of Bioresonance Allergy


  • Permanent member of the Eastern Medicine Association of Neurology and Psychiatry Republic of Korea
  • Permanent member of the Association of the Acupuncture of the Republic of Korea
  • Permanent member of the Association of Eastern Medicine for Dermatology and Cosmetology
  • Member of C & J Esthetic Weight Control Commission
  • Member of the Center for Advanced Scientific Research of Eastern and Western Medicine
  • Member of the Daonjeong Fermented Tea Research Center

조윤숙 시선한의원 박사가 부산국제안티에이징에서 강의를 진행하고 있다.

난곡 조윤숙 한의학박사는 마산여고를 졸업하고 경희대학교 한의과대학을 졸업하고 경희대학교 대학원 한방신경정신과 석박사과정을 거쳐 한의학박사를 취득했습니다.

다양한 임상원리와 임상치료요법을 습득하고 체계화하였습니다. 난치성질환에서 고통받는 환자분들에게 질 높고 효과적이고 치료가 완성되는 결과의 풍부한 30년 임상경험을 축적하였습니다.

여성원장으로서 여성들의 건강과 아름다움에 대한 메디컬뷰티시술로 많은 여성분들의 활기찬 삶을 제공하였습니다. 대학시절부터 차에 대한 관심으로 생활 속에서 심신의 건강을 지켜나가도록 좋은 차를 전달하고 있습니다.

현재 한의원내 발효흑차연구 및 힐링 공간인 다온정티하우스를 열어 오시는 모든 분들에게 차와 함께 온 가족 건강과 정을 나누고 있습니다.